Monday, March 25, 2013

a carrot fish

Sometimes, I spend 7-8hours to make a one vegetable carving
but, during making it, I forget the time.

If you'ld like to begin or try vegetables carving, 
I suggest you to challenge it from a simple thing.
Here are the procedure of how to make a small fish from carrot.
First of all, cut a carrot like this Rectangle.
Thickness of 1-2cm will be good.

Then, let's start cutting  in the form of the fish.

you should cut a red part first(rough part)
then cut the green part.(small part)


 Did you finish making it?

Then , slice it like below as thin as you can but
first not cut the bottom.
second one, cut to the bottm.

Two or three pieces of same fish will be made.
It is fun for your decoration of your salad or appetizers.

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